Behold! The cultural phenomenon that took the world by storm. Banana Stairs is a tale as old as time. Good vs evil, light vs dark, banana vs stairs. Take a step through the ages and experience culture as it exists in its purist form with Banana Stairs.


Banana Stairs 3 is an exploration of the depths of consciousness and morality. With Banana now having been uploaded into the digital age, it seeks revenge upon the earth for creating its mortal enemy, the staircase. After taking remote control of a space suit aboard the satellite, the young banana recognizes a flight of stairs that it must now overcome. Will Banana surpass its obstacle and be able to enact its wraith against the earth, or will it trip and fall?


Banana Stairs is an annual project that embraces animation as an exercise. The techniques used in every shot is either something I’ve never done before, or an exploration in methods I need more experience with.

Due to the nature of this project, often times the plot takes the backseat to the visuals, which results in an outlandish story that spans multiple installments.

Every addition to the Banana Stairs lore takes a longer amount of time to create. Banana Stairs Three took a week to create, Banana Stairs Two took a day, and the original Banana Stairs took less than a minute and is filmed on a phone.


Banana Stairs 2 is about triumph and will-power. A lowly banana finds itself stuck at the lowest point of its career, at the bottom of an oppressive staircase. Can the banana muster up all of its strength to rise to the top, or will it submerge beneath the shadows of irrelevance, forever to be forgotten?


With the earth on its dying breaths, the stairs unleash the experimental cyborg Mecha-S as a last ditch effort to defend their home against the approaching banana onslaught. Will Banana ring in the dark ages for stairkind, or will this new, controversial staircase technology take the first steps in defeating the bananas once and for all?

Banana Stairs 4 is a constant work-in-progress.

“A-peeling for all ages.”

— The Aiden Awards

“Banana Stairs harkens back to the age old rivalry of David vs Goliath.”

— Cuthbertson Film Festival

“Banana Stairs is one of the few films that stand as a reminder of why we continue to make art at all.”

— The Green Man’s Knees Film Festival